Virtual Micro-Conferences

Microconference Commercial Break

Broadcast your 30-second commercial during a session break in one of our Microconferences. This commercial opportunity will allow you to position your company in front of a targeted audience as we broadcast across our various industry segments. Limited opportunities available!


Opportunity Includes:


Social Media Guest Post

Have a White Paper or Case Study you wan to share. With this sponsorship you can provide a thought leadership piece based on your expertise to be shared across our social platforms. 


Limited opportunities available!


The Technical Symposium: Premier Sponsorship

Associate your brand with the top-notch industry education with a targeted audience. The Technical Symposium offers professionals from the academic, R&D, technical, and scientific disciplines in photovoltaics, energy storage, wind energy, electric vehicles, hydrogen, fuel cells, microgrid, and smart energy the opportunity to submit abstracts for peer review, presentation, and discussion as part of North America Smart Energy Week. Don't delay, there's only one Premier level opportunity available!


Opportunity includes:

  • Top-tier recognition in the virtual platform for The Technical Symposium Virtual Conference
  • Logo recognition on slides displayed before the start of presentations
  • Ability to provide a 1-2 minute video message to be played at the beginning of each day 
  • Ability to provide a 30-second commercial to be played during conference breaks 
  • Recognition on online schedule
  • Ability to provide a post show 2 minute wrap up/promo




The Technical Symposium: Supporting Sponsor

Associate your brand with the top-notch industry education with a targeted audience. The Technical Symposium offers professionals from the academic, R&D, technical, and scientific disciplines in photovoltaics, energy storage, wind energy, electric vehicles, hydrogen, fuel cells, microgrid, and smart energy the opportunity to submit abstracts for peer review, presentation, and discussion as part of North America Smart Energy Week. Don't delay, there are only two Supporting level opportunities available.  


Opportunity includes:

  • Sponsor recognition in the virtual platform for The Technical Symposium Virtual Conference
  • Logo recognition on slides displayed before the start of presentations
  • Ability to provide a 1 minute promotional video to be played each day
  • Recognition on online schedule

Virtual Education Microconference: Premier Sponsorship

Associate your brand with the top-notch industry education with a targeted audience. Link your name with industry thought leadership with your brand appearing on exclusive sponsor recognition slides shown during the sessions. Microconference sponsorship also gives you the opportunity to ensure session attendees receive your message through a 1-2 minute video message shown at the beginning of each day. Move fast, there's only one Premier level opportunity available per Microconference! 


Only 2 more Available!


Opportunity includes:

  • Top-tier recognition in the virtual platform for Microconference of your choice (first come, first served)
  • Logo and short description included in the Know Before You Go email sent to attendees
  • Logo recognition on slides displayed before the start of presentations
  • Ability to provide a 1-2 minute video message to be played at the beginning of each day 
  • Ability to provide a 30-second commercial to be played during conference breaks 
  • Recognition on online schedule
  • Ability to provide a post-conference 2 minute wrap up/promo



Virtual Education Microconference: Supporting Sponsor

Associate your brand with the top-notch industry education with a targeted audience. Link your name with industry thought leadership with your brand appearing on exclusive sponsor recognition slides shown during the sessions. Microconference sponsorship also gives you the opportunity to ensure session attendees receive your message through a 1 minute video message shown each day. Move fast, there are only two Supporting level opportunities available per Microconference! 


Only 2 more Available!


Opportunity includes:

  • Sponsor recognition in the virtual platform for Microconference of your choice (first come, first served)
  • Logo recognition on slides displayed before the start of presentations
  • Ability to provide a 1 minute promotional video to be played each day
  • Recognition on online schedule